
Cheias na Índia e no Sudão

Cheias na Índia e cheias no Sudão, as imagens satélite da NASA.
O Sudão é mais conhecido pelas secas e pela aridez ...

FLOODING IN EASTERN INDIA - India's annual monsoon triggered widespread flooding throughout the country in July and August 2007. * http://naturalhazards.nasa.gov/shownh.php3?img_id=14467 *** MODIS(Terra) image from Aug 22 2007

FLOODS IN SUDAN - Intense rains swept across Sudan starting on July 8, 2007, causing floods across much of the North African country throughout July and August. * http://naturalhazards.nasa.gov/shownh.php3?img_id=14463 *** MODIS(Terra) image from Aug 22 2007

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